30 April 2010

what's up with that....

so i have a quirky taste in bicycles. actually i'm a broke mother fucker, and i ahven't the time to make everything work correctly, the bridgestone needs a renovation. i went out on an off road ride recently, it was fun and challenging. the single track wasn't the problem it was the ride there and back. gotta get that bike build thing figured out, i'm not happy with the stem height or the bars. of course that little fix would require that i invest some money, slow down old man.

Cyclocross season is 5 months away, i don't normally race in september, too fucking hot. Nice rain tonight/today. maybe i go rebuild the meister as a CX rig again and that means i have to build up the schwinn and that means money...it can wait.

riding many more miles that i used to, biking to work a full week of commuting would be sure to give me....let me see, about a 150 junk miles. they would be junk if i commuted like most, i don't. so i'm getting about a hundred miles a week in then, a few days i get a ride there and bike back or i drive both ways, better than nothing.

14 April 2010

last week and yesterday

so i've been riding my bike to work recently, from SW mpls/Richfield to NE mpls. 12-15 miles each way depending on how much traffic i want to avoid. takes me between an hour and an hour a quarter or maybe an hour and a half.... i could probably do it faster. first day i went there and back, hurt my taint that ride. i've been getting a ride on some mornings and biking back home. today again we'll hit there and back again, let's hope it doesn't rain.

no photo

08 April 2010

i'm not a commuter, i ride my bike to work

to work 12 or 14 miles