Bicycle Master Plan
Richfield Transportation Commission Accepting Applications for the Richfield Bicycle Master Plan Task Force
Bicycle Master Plan Task Force Application
The Transportation Commission is inviting interested Richfield residents to apply for the Richfield Bicycle Master Plan Task Force. At the December 2, 2009 Transportation Commission Meeting, the Commission voted to create the Task Force with the intent of producing a Bike Master Plan for the City. The purpose of this Master Plan is to increase safety and opportunities for physical activity among residents as well as to provide options for alternative transportation methods through short and long term improvements to the bicycle network. Goals outlined in the Bike Plan portion of the City of Richfield Comprehensive Plan have largely been achieved or are scheduled to be achieved in the near future and these improvements provide an excellent foundation to build a successful and useful bicycle network that benefits all residents. If you are interested in participating in this process, please click on the link below to access the application. Applications can also be picked up at the Richfield Public Works building located at 1901 East 66th Street. Questions may be directed to Jeff Pearson, Richfield Transportation Engineer, at 612-861-9791.