the jamis, left home at 2:30 pm returned at 5:30 pm. unusual, yes... first half of the ride was marred by drivetrain issues, water, salt and sand. stooped to pick up ray and visit a mechanic, 10 spot later, problems identified and smoothed out. I am a hack mechanic, and i don't have a stand in my basement, i can replace, i can adjust on the fly, i can call on the professionals. i'll be replacing some casings and cables soon enough.
oh the ride was long but not difficult, i mmm, like gears, they vex me sometimes. route: creek trail, to nokomis, back roads to HC and then to the river road, almost stopped by a ghost bike, back on to green way trail at the railway bridge, greenway to bryant to 36th and of course the kings highway(potholed) to harriet and back onto penn and home. long enough, not many stops. some employee at the midtown freewheel tried to sell me a lock, i bought a snickers.
weather: 40 F and sunny
roads: oatmeal slush on the back alleys, main roads/trails good