26 February 2009

news of the coming shitstorm...

the more bikes i have rolling the more it seems i get stuck in the money pit. swapped pedals to the le tour and left the base at ten pm, olbermann was on fire on MSNBC, i couldn't leave when that was going on. i noticed 10 blocks into the ride that i was in for it when the freewheel began acting up, time for an ACS not a dicta. so i soft pedaled to the closest well lit petrol stop for a little investigation, closed ! ...then on to another station up 54th to lyndale. nothing that i could see, except the coffee shop across the street turning out the lights, those fuckers used to be open until 11pm too.

so it goes, i still was out for an hour, got in loop around the lake and didn't loose the forward propulsion mechanism. i should have rode the jamis but i didn't, as soon as the plows hit the sidestreets tomorrow or friday i'll be back in action on the chosen steed....the one that ain't bleeding me for another $20.

weather: 23 degrees and clear
roads: some clear, frozen in spots, black ice abounds