that quote was given to me by a colleague when i am embarked upon blogging. Along with this one, 'there's another biker blog every minute, and most of them suck.'
It's been a year since i began blogging about biking, bike racing, politics and all the rest. it started simply enough, by commenting on a friends blog. After my comments became too verbose( read 'annoying') i decided to start my own blog. my first attempts have long since been deleted. in the last few day i deleted a blog that had 334 posts in 9 months. the blogging thing is easy, once you get over the fear of exposure it's liking walking the dog, everyday it's got to be done.
the blogosphere: no comment
the message boarders, i only engage in this sparingly, although i am a senior member in a board i frequent. being a senior member is a lot like getting your high school letter in band, just keep showing up and it's yours.
racers, get in as many fights as you can, even throw a punch or two and then get drunk.
finding 'your local bike shop' or LBS, is not always a question of vicinity to home. i have had a relationship with the same mechanic for 15 years, i maintain this relationship by never letting my best mechanic friend work on my bike. i am a hack mechanic/builder and re-bicycler. i am one of the ten worst kinds of customers, i ask hard questions, know enough to get me in trouble and i'm really cheap. i do appreciate a well built wheel, i can build my own but i'm not that good and i'm slow.
the biking community, i know a few.