Show #2995
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Dad and son were going to sleep upstairs while mommy slept downstairs. And then Harry came up with the idea: "What can we do in the middle of the night to scare mommy?" Dave admits to not being a stranger to scaring mommy in the middle of the night.
Harry and Dave discuss their diabolical plan to scare mommy during dinner. Mommy had no idea that they were making such a plan since they discreetly spoke behind their napkins. And this is the idea the 5-year-old mind of Harry came up with: "We can scare her in the middle of the night by calling out, "Eat Poop!"
Though it sounds silly at first, Dave admits few things could scare you more in the middle of the night than someone shouting, "Eat poop!"
i saw this last night after my ride, my wife has no idea it's coming.